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© Nathaniel Burney. All rights reserved, though they really open up once you get to know them.
Great stuff.
Thanks for the regular (recently) updates.
Hm… what motive could that (apparently young) girl have for participating in terrorist bombing?
Perhaps her favorite old video game might be a clue. But then you’d have to spot that clue, itself…
*looks up video game characters* oh. Well, I know nothing about that game, so I’ll wait :)
One Game??? I’m clearly missing something.
That clue would be on this page.
I’m so confused…scratching my head a lot.
What the clue could be that I can see?
Her outfit? Rings no bells.
The logo on her laptop? Don’t recognise it.
What’s on the smartphone screen? But it just looks like coloured squares?
Hope all will be revealed in the coming panels before I scratch my head to pieces…
Don’t worry too much about it. It was just backstory for my own amusement, not important for our purposes here. (Still… Hint: highly influential FPS from the late 90s.)
… *groan* Would that be GoldenEye 007?
DingDingDing you may now return to your regularly-scheduled lives, already in progress.
Her laptop says “OMG Webcomix.” And in later chapters there’s a panic over webcomics causing violence. Maybe there was some truth to that… :P
“Promotion of of felonious acts”
Apparently cute too, like a lot of the young, female characters in this series. I’m gonna stop there, lest Π or someone else decides to file sexual harassment charges on me.
This story was great. Do you draw inspiration from crime stories like Law & Order at all, or are you basing these off of your own experiences?
She had the, “Are you a cop?” logo on her shirt on the last page, but it’s gone in these panels. But, her shorts and socks are the same. Did you just forget to draw the logo?
It looks like it would be the next day.
I need to get a phone that shouts “ringtone!” when someone calls.