Ah yes, the Clarkson-Krewson 200. Car of choice for colorblind getaway drivers.
EXCLUSIVE: One Patreon “the Man” doesn’t want you to support!
Ah yes, the Clarkson-Krewson 200. Car of choice for colorblind getaway drivers.
EXCLUSIVE: One Patreon “the Man” doesn’t want you to support!
Oh hey, a badge! (Yes I noticed) So, what happened to the previous group? Are they awaiting their hearing in custody now?
Are criminals really as loose-lipped in reality as you’ve depicted in this comic, or are you just utilizing the contrived cases for exposition’s sake?
They will likely all end up having their suppression hearings at the same time, for illustrative purposes. Especially if they end up with common counsel for some amount of time prior to someone’s motion to sever.
If these are related, this could be a case of “conspiracy after-the-fact”, which makes the process all that more fun!
What do you mean by conspiracy after the fact?
I think they mean “accessory”
Err. Right. My Bar certificate is a coaster from the neighboorhood pub where I read Law & Order.
Wow, that’s a real generic badge.
As the sayings go, “With friends like these, who needs enemies…” and “Loose lips sink ships”.
What is a Clarkson-Krewson 200? I can’t find a reference.
Can we get some OMG hot chocolate?
What’s that supposed to be over the door? “Yay”?
I’m about 90% sure “Clarkson” refers to Jeremy Clarkson, presenter on a BBC car show. Not sure about Krewson.
I assume the name of the car is fictional. I took “Clarkson” to be a reference to Top Gear host Jeremy Clarkson. But “Krewson” means nothing to me.
I had an experience with the law in Colorado which sort of left me deeply bothered by how legal proceedings seem to go. Believe it or not, though I am broke, I honestly do believe this is an important project for the American public…
Some day when I’m filthy rich I’m going to start a service that sends lawyers through law school for free but in exchange has them on a semi-retainer to do pro-bono cases for the rest of their career for underpriviledged people. We’d focus on criminal first (higher incidences of longer prison sentences in the lower class isn’t just racism… it’s the simple fact that poor people cannot afford quality legal counsel!) and then move on to things like providing real-estate law consultants to lower-income (and college students).
Ideally it’d be a situation where you never again hear about a woman advised to use a “disciplinary board” to pursue justice for rape cases or see anyone forced to live in substandard conditions that don’t even pass building codes because their landlord has them in a lock.
W.R.T. rape cases, its the DA who prosecutes them, not the woman’s private counsel. Though she can of course sue in civil court. Having lawyers provide more pro-bono services through domestic violence shelters might be a more effective route to achieve the end you see.
nine photographs portraying quotes said to sexual assault survivors by police officers, attorneys, and other authority figures
nine photographs portraying quotes said to sexual assault survivors by their friends/family
Maybe but the fact of the matter is, a DA cant pursue a case that isn’t reported through proper channels, and when these college students receive piss-poor advice from the campus “police,” or (as KW posted) piss-poor advice from the DA or actual police, they need to have a fallback option.
I promise you, increase the talent and availability of legal aid to college students and lower-income individuals and you’ll see some social justice right shortly.
Bill Gates already did something like that.
Basic lesson of life since forever, and even truer now than ever before with the surveillance done by all intelligence agencies and the omnipresence of recording systems:
1. When in doubt, shut the -yay- up!
2. If the situation doesn’t make you doubt, it’s a -yay- trap!
Furthermore, if you don’t want the cops to know about something, don’t tell people you just met! If they’re not on your side, they can go straight to the cops and repeat what you said. If they ARE on your side, they can still be subpoenaed as a witness, and decide they aren’t going to face contempt charges over a guy they just met.
And at least with cops, there’s a chance they screwed up somehow and your loose-lipped statement gets thrown out. With statements to your fellow citizens, there will be no such protection.
Telling some stranger about a clearly-illegal activity of yours just seems rude, yknow? Let people mind their own business and not get mixed up in your criminal proceedings or mafia racket.
the part i find the least believable is that there was a full service gas station.
They’re not as hard to find as you’d think. And in some states, they’re required.
In the town of Weymouth, MA, they are required. Not true of the state in general though.
New Jersey is famous for it. I think Oregon requires it too.
Yup – you can’t pump your own gas in Portland, OR.
“Hi there random people I just met! Didja know I’m an accessory to a federal crime? I bet you didn’t, but you do now!”
I’m just picturing him telling everybody he meets about how he got his sweet new car…
This is my headcanon now.