You seem to have left out the collapse of the Soviet Union. You mention the Berlin Wall, presumably alluding to its fall, but that happened in 1989; the USSR did not collapse until late 1991. You also seem to have left out the Tiananmen Square protests and massacre.
If the conviction was in 1985/early 1986, aren’t a few of these things still ahead? (The Arab Spring caught my eye, at 12/10, but Occupy was 09/11, unless you count Tahrir Square in January…)
The media frenzy that was the death of Diana Frances, Princess of Wales. The royal wedding and baby. The Geekdom golden child of Joss Whedon. The revival of Star Trek for several series and films, and reboot. Baggy jeans. Sir Mix-A-Lot. Boy Bands. Instant Messaging. SMS Texting. Sexting. Schindler’s List. Brokeback Mountain.
I dunno. This is a pretty comprehensive list.
It’s even got “DNA” on it already…
Yea. Channeling Billy Joel?
Probably the most important… 5 billion people in 1986 and 7 billion people on the planet at the end of 2011.
You seem to have left out the collapse of the Soviet Union. You mention the Berlin Wall, presumably alluding to its fall, but that happened in 1989; the USSR did not collapse until late 1991. You also seem to have left out the Tiananmen Square protests and massacre.
If the conviction was in 1985/early 1986, aren’t a few of these things still ahead? (The Arab Spring caught my eye, at 12/10, but Occupy was 09/11, unless you count Tahrir Square in January…)
You missed an O in MMRPG, should be MMORPG.
Also, great presentation of the consequences of a potentially wrongful conviction
Thanks, fixed. That’s what I get for doing it at 2 a.m.
Large Hadron Collider, Anime, Space-X, WebComics, Gay Rights, all the other Presidents that you didn’t list
Well, it’s modern times, so more those funny little annual JibJab retrospective music videos they put together.
…and this was meant to be a reply to another comment. I’m not entirely sure why it didn’t stick. Huh.
Well, at least he avoided the Star Wars prequel. Everything ain’t that bad, see?
*hides away*
What else did he miss out on? Just freedom, liberty, and self-determination, though I concede that was be the unwritten point.
The media frenzy that was the death of Diana Frances, Princess of Wales. The royal wedding and baby. The Geekdom golden child of Joss Whedon. The revival of Star Trek for several series and films, and reboot. Baggy jeans. Sir Mix-A-Lot. Boy Bands. Instant Messaging. SMS Texting. Sexting. Schindler’s List. Brokeback Mountain.
And, of course, Webcomics. ;)
Since I was there for it the Loma Prieta earthquake pops to mind.
He also missed out on the joys of dealing with the Tea Party, but that is mostly an after effect of Obama’s being president.
Pretty strict sentence for a rape, unless it wasn’t his first.
I’m fairly sure it had to be, because I’m guessing where this is going is that he didn’t actually do it.
Excuse my ignorance, but who is everyone talking about?
The character in the comic convicted of rape in the previous page.
In Massachusetts, you can get 20 years for a first offense, and life for a second, and in some situations you can get life on your first offense.
There was a time when, particularly in the South, it was a capital crime.
His life.
Pixar, Star Wars, Internet, 9/11, Mars… yeah, I’d say that’s pretty much everything.