False stereotypes can be the result of too little experience, such as little real-life contact with people of other races. They can be the result of too much inaccurate experience, as when you've seen something a thousand times on TV or in movies, but that's not how it works in real life. But no matter how inaccurate or limited your experience is, it is nevertheless what your brain knows to be true. And you cannot correct it just by reading or hearing about the truth. It has to be experienced to change your brain's connections and expectations.
Hey all! I haven’t forgotten you, I’m still around. I’m doing a murder trial right now, and the comic just has to wait until it’s over. [Update 6/27/2015: Yup, trial’s still going. Sorry.] [Update 12:01 a.m. 6/30/2015 Well, no, I’m not actually sorry, but I do kinda feel bad that y’all have to wait a bit longer. And you do. Because… y’know… work. BUT everything’s totally scripted through the end of the chapter. It’s just a matter of drawing it. Or rewriting it. No! I didn’t say that. Just drawing. that’s all. I’d better go to bed. Gotta be in court in the A.M.] [Final Update: Trial’s over, just in time to get back to this over the Independence Day weekend!]

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