The Criminal Lawyer’s Guide to Criminal Law (with pictures!)
Part 2: “Take That!” — Punishment
Page 3: Methods
We call this hammer “PUNISHMENT.”
Punishment is when the State hurts you. Pain and simple.
Mother spanking child / Man whipping prisoner
Emptied piggy bank / Average Joe shocked by a fine
“Naughty” fingers / Joe branded on the forehead “felon”
The State saying “Go to your room!” / Monopoly cop dragging Joe, “Go to JAIL”
There are various ways the State can hurt you, but they all boil down to:
Inflicting PAIN
Taking your PROPERTY
Harming your REPUTATION
Restricting your LIBERTY
What about the death penalty?
I’d file that under taking your property, as you own yourself.
I would say that sort of “All of the above” depending on the method.
“Pain and simple”… I see what you did there. :)