Two things. First: My wonderful Patreons get to see these pages early — and in glorious full resolution. (They also get the occasional side story and bonus art.) If you would like to help keep the comic going, consider throwing a dollar or five its way. Thanks!
Second: I have taken outrageous artistic license here (as usual). I’ve knocked one of Franklin’s most powerful and moving speeches into a few terse blurbs — cutting out both not only the poetry and emotion, but also the jokes! Outrageous!
And I’ve had him say the words himself. I’ve denied you what happened in real life — he was too weak to speak, it was a monumental effort for him to even attend, and so with an unsteady hand he handed his prepared remarks to James Wilson to read for him. The delegates were all
I denied you all that. And I’m going to do it again, real soon.
If anyone’s curious, this is the full text of Franklin’s speech.
The comic’s speech is more of a summary than a paraphrase, but the message is about right. And the lines at the end of the comic are taken straight from the speech.
However, there’s one more beautiful bit of prose that I want to quote:
“The Opinions I have had of its Errors, I sacrifice to the Public Good. I have never whispered a Syllable of them abroad. Within these Walls they were born, and here they shall die.”
Franklin realized how important perception is in politics. The convention had to *seem* united, no matter how divided they really were.