Ah, the rich and complex history of Egypt…
Thousands of years of gods and dynasties…
Dizzying heights of human spirit and imagination…
I think we’ll cover all we need in a couple of pages.
Ah, the rich and complex history of Egypt…
Thousands of years of gods and dynasties…
Dizzying heights of human spirit and imagination…
I think we’ll cover all we need in a couple of pages.
And then some guy in a fancy, colorful robe came to tell them that they needed to stash away grain because the rain wasn’t going to last forever…Oh, sorry, that was later.
I have two responses to this, both of which are pedantic and unfunny, so instead here is a funny cat meme:
Just wanted to say that this whole delightful series reminds me SO much of Larry Gonick’s “The Cartoon History of the Universe” and “The Cartoon History of the Modern World”. Please take that as high praise.
Is this a book yet? If not, will it be someday? Granted, it’s fine as-is.
That is high praise indeed! I loved Gonick’s books when I was in college, and still enjoy poking my nose in them from time to time. I have nowhere near his skill with a pen, and nothing like his wit, but a man can dream.
For this comic, there’s a book for Criminal Law and another for the first half of Criminal Procedure, both on Amazon. I could have put the second half of Criminal Procedure out after it was complete online back in 2016, but then life got odd for a while and that went on the back burner. I do aim to put it out as soon as time permits, and also reissue all of Crim Law and Crim Pro in an omnibus. The Con Law intro and this digression on the history of government will have to wait to go into print until it’s all wrapped up, which will hopefully be sooner rather than later!
I need some lackeys around here.