(Spoiler) Roe v. Wade: How We Got to This Point
(Posted May 5, 2022)
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Over the past few months, I was working on a historiography of Roe v. Wade. (A historiography is kind of a meta-history, a look at how the history of a subject has been written in different ways over time, rather than a history of the subject itself.) Nobody else seems to have written one. And it’d be a good outline for when the comic gets to Roe.
In my paper, I first summarized the historical legal landscape leading up to Roe. Did you know that, although technically illegal since the late 1800s, the laws weren’t really enforced? And “back-alley” abortions were incredibly rare? True! More women were having safe abortions every year, performed by qualified physicians, before Roe than even today. So how did it become an issue that SCOTUS had to decide? Either read it and find out, or wait for me to get to it in the comic!
The core of the paper is the historiography itself. “Historiography” is a kind of meta-history: instead of writing a history of how Roe came to be decided the way it was, I reviewed how historians and others have written that story. To me, that’s actually more useful, because it reveals so much more than that particular (though fascinating) story. It reveals the dramatic ways that American society itself has changed in the almost half-century since Roe was decided—and directly because of Roe! Having lived through this period myself, the changes were so gradual and imperceptible that I barely noticed. But believe it or not, it goes a long way to explaining the deep political and cultural divide that rocks our nation here in the 21st century!
There are some real eye-openers in here, at least for me. Did you know that Ruth Bader Ginsburg always said that Roe v. Wade was a bad case, wrongly decided, overbroad yet overdetailed, an instance of legislating from the bench that made everything worse? True! In fact, as early as the 1980s she firmly believed that if the Court had stayed out of it, abortion would probably have been legal across the country. (Her thoughts here, as elsewhere, have powerfully affected my own, and I have some additional thoughts to add at the end.)
There are plenty more surprises in here, sure to undermine the received truths pushed by activists on both sides of the abortion debate.
I submitted the paper a few days ago on May 2, 2022. So imagine my surprise later that evening when I saw that someone had leaked the first draft of Alito’s opinion in Dobbs, revealing that a majority of the Court had voted to overrule Roe. Talk about timing!
And you can imagine how much I’ve been cringing ever since, as people keep freaking out with bad legal take after bad legal take. It’s as if the most vocal people on both sides of the issue have no clue what the hell they’re talking about. [Edit: One week later, and the bad legal takes keep coming. If anything, they’re getting worse.]
Which isn’t surprising, of course, now that I know how we got to the present pass. But still, oh so cringeworthy.
So I figured I’d share my research with you all now, even though it’s probably a spoiler for what’s coming up later in the comic. But my brilliant and ridiculously good-looking readers deserve no less! (As an added bonus, if you print it out it makes a dandy doorstop.)
I think you may have jinxed it. Please don’t do a similar write-up for the case on gay marriage, otherwise the SCOTUS will go after that too.
Seriously though, even though I’m too frustrated to even begin reading that, thanks for taking the deep dive for us anyway.
Oops, sorry! Can’t make any promises, though.
I have a few minor proposed corrections to the text.
I think you intended this:
The first President Bush, who had supported Roe v. Wade as recently as his first term as Reagan‟s Vice President, but the religious right had been instrumental in securing his re-election and then his election as President, and by decade‟s end Bush had become “adamantly anti-abortion.”
to be something like this:
The first President Bush had supported Roe v. Wade as recently as his first term as Reagan‟s Vice President, but the religious right had been instrumental in securing his re-election and then his election as President, and by decade‟s end Bush had become “adamantly anti-abortion.”
Also you say “pro-life arguments” here, and I think you intended “pro-choice arguments”:
And when you remove that appeal to authority from the rhetoric, the modern pro-life arguments boil down to the decidedly unprincipled “sloganeering, name-calling, appeals to self-interest, and an emphasis on difficult and unusual cases such as pregnancy due to rape.” He felt the need to remind readers that he supports legal abortion.
And, this sentence has an extraneous “are” in “are cannot be limited”:
Just as with their opponents on the left, they see Roe v. Wade as a purely symbolic representation of the idea that abortion rights are cannot be limited, cannot be restrained, and are superior to all others.
Thank you for writing this. It was an exceptionally good read. I truly loved it.
Thanks! Typos and bits that could be phrased… not… bad… may not be a style, but they’re all I’ve got! (And I’m glad you liked it, you made my day.)
Hi. This is really interesting! Since we ‘re pointing out typos:
page 55, 2nd paragraph, 3rd line from the end: “through the
courts and finally receiving the *1873* decision” -> 1973, obviously.
HA! Omg. Thank you!
page 2 (pdf page 4): “And yet even at this far remove from the events, it remains unlikely that any one source or point of view will provide a fairly accurate of the case”
—Missing a word (perhaps “overview”?) in between “accurate” and “of.”
page 18: “where the states interests are at their lowest.”
—Missing an apostrophe at the end of “states.”
page 46: “(who, unlike Douglas, was described
as his own clerks as “fiercely hostile” to Burger,109 and after whose death Woodward
admitted was the primary driver behind The Brethren)”
—I’m pretty sure that “as” should be a “by.”
page 50: “In that other case, the Court had rule that a law
only allowing abortions to preserve the mother’s “health” was not too vague.”
—“rule” should be “ruled.”
page 58: “…the bad guy “antiabortion forces” fighting and evermore “aggressive battle to undo the abortion decision,” …”
—-“and” should be “an.”
I had to stop reading for now at page 60 due to real life interruptions. Hope these typo-findings are useful to you!
Awesome, thank you!
A question: do you sometimes update your comic by adding multiple pages at once?
The thing is, I have a list of comics, including yours, that I check each morning, and I never actually saw this page displayed. What happened was that the previous page (p=6807) had been coming up for a long time, and then today I got the current page (p=6850). (Your numbering system is kind of strange!) The only reason I found this page is that I’ve made a practice whenever a new page comes up of checking the previous page, because there have been a couple of times in the past where pages have been skipped. In those cases I could tell because there was a gap in the narration, but that wouldn’t have helped me here. Just letting you know that if you don’t leave a page up for a while before adding the next one some people might miss it.
I have no idea why the pages get numbered that way. It’s probably some setting I messed up when I first created the site, and now it’s too late to go back and fix it because that would break people’s bookmarks and all the internal links. Believe it or not, this page was up for seven weeks before the next one was posted (it’s been a hectic couple of months here). But I didn’t make a link to it on the site’s front page, or add it to the table of contents, I forget why. Maybe because it was off topic? I forget. It was so long ago.
Ah, I check the image on the front page, and if it hasn’t changed I don’t click on it, so that could explain why I didn’t see this page. That may have been what happened when I missed pages before as well.
Now I’m sorry for all the times I’ve updated without remembering to update the front page! You’d think I’d have a checklist or something, but nope.
Also, would you believe I still use RSS to see when my favorite comics and blogs have updated? It’s not perfect, and it doesn’t work for every site, but I still check my Feedly every morning. I wonder how many like me remain.