The Illustrated Guide to Criminal Law
Chapter 14: Do or Die
Duress pg 14: Millie the Mule
Drug trafficking is probable the Horde’s most profitable enterprise. One of their best workers for a long time was Millie the Mule.
Trashy young woman with a backpack
She hauled all kinds of powders for years, without ever being stopped.
Yeah, cuz I look all innocent and shit.
But a few months ago, she got arrested. The D.A. made her a deal, and now Millie is getting ready to testify against the Horde at a big trial.
Millie professionally attired for court
I clean up good, huh?
Before she takes the stand, one of the Horde members makes a simple threat.
Fat biker places his hand on Millie’s shoulder from behind
If you tell the truth, then we’ll hunt you down and kill you when you least expect it.