The Illustrated Guide to Criminal Law
Chapter 14: Do or Die
Duress pg 16: Uncertain Death
The Sword of Damocles, hanging by a single horsehair as a very real yet still only potential threat
Some states give you a little more wiggle room, so long as the threat was enough to overcome a reasonable person’s free will.
The Horde cruising around some twisties
“One of these days” isn’t quite as intimidating as “right after the trial.”
It’s a matter of degree, so it may have to be up to a jury to decide.
These guys are hilarious!
I would have thought that “one of these days” would be more credible than “right after the trial”; a key witness can be given a police escort home, but protected for months?
It’s not a matter of how plausible the threat is. It’s a matter of how severe the threat is when taken at face value.